How important is it for new generations to receive a formal education and to do well in their studies?
I think it is very important because strong qualifications will give them the confidence to jump with both feet into the unknown, into a way of life that is different from the one they witness every day by looking at people around them.
While we are born prisoners of society, I believe we should become well equipped to survive in it according to its rules before we decide to break the chains and create our own parallel reality. Strong qualifications are part of this process as they help us to keep playing the game with a good hand until we feel ready to depart on our personal journey. When mentally and psycologically ready we'll have less fear of turning our backs to society because we'll know that if something goes wrong, or our feelings about a better way of life end up being just dreams, we will still be able to come back and society will embrace us once again with open arms.
Therefore it is ok to follow the standard path designed for us by society in terms of studying well, getting a job, buying a car, raising a family, getting a mortgage etc. but, as Plotinus would say, we should do all these activities as long as they do not diffuse our spiritual energy, and leave us with less being. It isn't what we do that is important, but who we are!
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